2018 WITec Paper Award for Outstanding Scientific Publications

Our work on “Tailoring the morphology of responsive bioinspired bicomponent fibers”, published in Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2018, 303, 1700248 (DOI. 10.1002/mame.201700248), received the WITec Silver Paper Award 2018. Mimicking biological structures with interesting functional features is a thriving field of research. In our work we were inspired by biological fibers and developed new fibers with distinct structures, utilizing side-by-side electrospinning of a thermo-responsive polymer and a methacrylate-based copolymer. By changing the spinning solvents the fiber morphology could be easily switched between side-by-side and coaxial bead-on-string fibers, as proven by correlative Raman imaging, atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.