Dr. Xiaojian Liao received the ICC Young Scientist Award at the 1st International Conference on Clusteroluminescence (ICC) in Haining, Zhejiang, China for his presentation on "Polarized blue photoluminescence in highly ordered electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers"
Our work on biodegradable electrospun sponges with tailored hydrophilicity presented on a poster by Ms. Chengzhang Xu and the work on sandwich-like breathable and flexible electrically conductive membrane presented by Mr. Qiang Gao at the 6th International Conference on Electrospinning June 19th-21st, 2019 at Donghua University in Shanghai, China was honored with the poster award for outstanding posters received by Chengzhang and Qiang. Congratulations to both of them for this great accomplishment and their excellent representation of UBT on the international stage.
Our work about "LCST-UCST in one" in aqueous solution was presented in the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, 2016 Halifax Canada organized by the Canadian Society for Chemistry from 5th - 9th June 2016 by Mr. Florian Käfer. The work was highly appreciated and got the 2nd poster award. Congratulations to the whole team working on UCST polymers and specifically to Mr. Florian Käfer for this achievement.
Our work on Universal Template for Controlled Size and Surface Modification of Metal Nanoparticles was presented as poster by Ziyin Fan at the Bayreuth Polymer Symposium (BPS2015) from 20th-22nd Sept. 2015. At the same conference the work on Highly Porous and Highly Conductive Metallized Polymer Sponges with Low Density by Wet Chemical Metal Deposition was presented by Markus Langer. Both contributions were judged best among the Bayreuth poster award category by the attendees. The awards were handed over by Prof. Hans-Werner Schmidt. Congratulations to the whole team working on nanoparticles and sponges and specifically to Ziyin and Markus for the international recognition and encouragement for future outstanding scientific accomplishments.

Our work about Ultralight 3D Electrospun Nanofiber Sponge for tissue engineering was presented in Shanghai (China) on the Fiber Society’s Spring 2015 Conference in conjunction with the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials, Shanghai (China) from 24th-27th May 2015 by Mrs. M.Sc. Gaigai Duan. The work was awarded with the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award Congratulations to the whole team working on ultralight sponges and specifically to Gaigai for the international recognition and encouragement for future outstanding scientific accomplishments.

Our work about UCST (upper critical solution temperature) in water and electrolytes was presented in Tsukuba (Japan) on the 10th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2014) organized by the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) from 2nd - 5th Dec 2015 by Mr. Fangyao Liu. The work was highly appreciated and got the best young scientist poster award. Congratulations to the whole team working on UCST polymers and specifically to Mr. Fangyao Liu for this achievement.

Ziyin Fan, from Professor Greiner´s group presented on Friday (28th Feb 2014) a poster entitled "Tailor-made Polymeric Bags for Precious Metal Nanoparticles" on the Macromolecular Colloquium (Freiburg). Ziyin´s poster won the Friday poster award for the best poster, sponsored by Wiley publisher. Ziyin is very thankful for this award and will push her research further on metal nanoparticle / polymer composites for making variety of new materials and properties.