Combined Raman-Imaging / Scanning Force Microscope System (WITEC ALPHA 300 RA+)

Lasers: λ= 532 nm, 785 nm
Single Raman measurements
Raman Imaging: x/y, x/z, y/z, 3D
True Surface for rough samples
Polarized Raman
Resolution: ca. 300 - 400 nm (lateral) and 900 nm (z) with 100x objective
Contact Mode
Tapping Mode (AC)
Pulsed Force Mode (PFM): In addition to topography Information about adhesion and stiffness
True Surface for rough samples
Co-local RAMAN/AFM measurements
Located: Building Polymer Nanostructures, Keylab "Optical and Electron Microscopy" of Bavarian Polymer Institute (BPI)